Microarray Softwares



This program was used to create Boolean implication network [ 1 ].



Commands for running:
tar xvzf BooleanNetTest.tar.gz
cd BooleanNetTest
bash scr

Memory efficient RMA


This version of RMA uses disk and memory efficiently to normalize thousands of Affymetrix gene expression data together. It is a modification of the RMA software released from the SRC public software repository ( http://morden.csee.usf.edu/software .) Thanks to SRC for distributing this open source system.

We modified the software to normalize large sets of Affymetrix gene expression arrays as part of the process of building Boolean implication networks [ 1 ], a genomic network representation that we have used to discover developmentally regulated genes in hematopoiesis [ 2 , 3 ].

The purpose of the project was not to produce new array normalization software. While the software works for us, it is not written to be "industrial strength", it may be fragile and/or buggy. Feel free to contact us if you need help, but we can only offer very limited help.

It is distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL), so feel free to make your own modifications and improvements as well.




Commands for compilation:
tar xvzf rma-1.0.tar.gz
cd USF-softwares
bash scr
Commands for running:
rm -f tmpint tmpint.mean
$RMA -o expr-local.txt -s tmpint -c path_to_cdf_dir `cat filelist`
$RMA -o expr.txt -c path_to_cdf_dir --combine=tmpint-list
List of CEL files.
A directory with the required CDF files for normalization.
Name of the file used to store intermediate computation results.
A list of temporary intermediate files that are created by passing -s tmpint command-line argument.
sample tmpint-list:


  1. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PubMed] Highly Accessed Debashis Sahoo, David L. Dill, Andrew J. Gentles, Rob Tibshirani, Sylvia K. Plevritis. Boolean implication networks derived from large scale, whole genome microarray datasets. Genome Biology, 9:R157, Oct 30 2008.
  2. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PubMed] Debashis Sahoo, Jun Seita, Deepta Bhattacharya, Matthew A. Inlay, Sylvia K. Plevritis, Irving L. Weissman, David L. Dill. MiDReG: A Method of Mining Developmentally Regulated Genes using Boolean Implications. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 30;107(13):5732-7. Epub 2010 Mar 15.
  3. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PubMed] Matthew A. Inlay*, Deepta Bhattacharya *, Debashis Sahoo, Tom Serwold, Jun Seita, Holger Karsunky, Sylvia K. Plevritis, David L. Dill, Irving L. Weissman. Ly6d marks the earliest stage of B cell specification and identifies the branchpoint between B cell and T cell development. Genes Dev. 2009 Oct 15;23(20):2376-81.